Hebru Brantley Hebru Brantley creates narrative-driven work revolving around his conceptualized iconic characters. Brantley utilizes these characters to address complex ideas around nostalgia, the mental psyche, power, and hope. The color palettes, pop-art motifs and characters themselves create accessibility around his layered and multifaceted ideas. Brantley works in a plethora of mediums and his art challenges the traditional view of the hero or protagonist. Through his characters, Brantley seeks to reassess contemporary culture and mythology through the lens of Afrofuturism.creates narrative-driven work revolving around his conceptualized iconic characters. Brantley utilizes these characters to address complex ideas around nostalgia, the mental psyche, power, and hope. The color palettes, pop-art motifs and characters themselves create accessibility around his layered and multifaceted ideas. Brantley works in a plethora of mediums and his art challenges the traditional view of the hero or protagonist. Through his characters, Brantley seeks to reassess contemporary culture and mythology through the lens of Afrofuturism.