Two Frida Kahlo Puzzle

Two Frida Kahlo Puzzle

$26.00 Regular price $23.40 Member Price
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If you love puzzles and are a fan of Frida Kahlo, you will love this 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzle of The Two Fridas. This puzzle combines superb color reproduction, stunning images, and sturdy construction to delight novice and veteran puzzle workers alike.

The Two Fridas is a portrait of love, heartbreak and duality. Almost life-sized, it was Kahlo's largest painting and a testament to her emotional suffering.

Completed shortly after her divorce from acclaimed Mexican muralist, Diego Rivera, this striking oil on canvas highlights Kahlo’s different personalities: the traditional Frida with a broken heart in Tehuana costume sitting next to an independent Frida in modern European dress.

The dark and stormy clouds that dominate the background reflect the nature of their marriage: tempestuous and filled with infidelities.

Today is Art Day The objective at Today is Art Day has always been one and the same: to make art history more fun and more accessible. Whether it’s through the captivating content they share daily on social media or through their inspiring line of products found online and in gift shops around the world, being a conversation starter has always been the keystone of what they do.

Materials: Paperboard

Size: 19.5" x 27.5"

Item 17089779
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